

发布者:国际交流与合作处  时间:2021年07月30日 16:52  浏览:


1. 护照复印件居留许可页

2. 留学生个人简历(教育背景需从小学到大学)及中文翻译件;留学生签证申请表;均是广东海洋大学版;

3. 电子照片(2寸彩色免冠照片,白色背景无边框,照片头部大小取整张照片的2:3,照片大小不小于320*240像素,高宽比为4:3,大小100-500kb, JPG格式)照片以护照号命名;

4. 2封副教授以上职称的教授写的推荐信;课题报告;

5. 语言要求:中文授课的,HSK5级以上;英文授课的雅思5.5或托福90分以上者;

6. 无犯罪记录证明(领事馆认证的,提供翻译件);

7. 学历认证;毕业证书;学位证书;成绩单;

8. 体检报告;

Application Documents:

1. copy of your passport (biodata page) ;residence permit ;

2.Application Form; International Students Resume (pay attention to the education background ,should be start from primary school to high school ,then college or university ;work experience ,all the years mentioned should be continued not break off. the word file of international students resume form ,neither pdf nor picture ,no signature on it ).

3.digital Photo ,requirements: 2-inch colored bareheaded photo, white background without border, the head of the photo size takes 2:3 of the whole photo , photo size is not less than 320*240 pixels, the height to width ratio of 4:3, size of 100-500kb, JPG format.

4. two Letters of recommendation by an associate professor or higher .

5. language requirtment : HSK5 for chinese program ;To apply for programs taught in English, applicants from non-English-speaking countries or regions should provide a TOEFL transcript with the score equal to or greater than 70 or an IELTS one with the score equal to or greater than 5.5.

6.certificate of no criminal conviction (Police report) (both English and Chinese and confirmed by Chinese consulate).

7.Diploma Certificate, Student Academic Records or Transcript.

8. Physical examination report.

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电话:+86-0759-2396202  传真:+86-0759-2396202

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